Thursday, December 31, 2009

Saying "Good-bye" never felt so GOOD!

"Auld Lang Syne" ...Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind ? 


The END is just hours away... well the end of an OLD year that is (2009). From politics to poverty -- Everyone was affected in many ways during this "EYE-OPENING" & challenging year. Seem like everyone was losing something -- jobs, homes, even lives, but I managed to find light & happiness during this very dark and grim year.

Many lost and fewer gains, but it's the "gain" I've personally concentrated on this year. I had lost just about everything the WORLD had given me, but gained a better attitude and healthier life. A life of purpose graciously embraced by divine intervention. With the help of God & my willingness to change -- heaven smiled upon me and my life was transformed.

During the spring of 2009 something magnificent happened. I began moving in a direction that was charged by HOPE, created from LOVE, & guided by the hands of beautiful ANGELS. I have come across some of the most influential and powerful people on the planet. They are the "SECRET" force behind Summer Lovin.
The more I surrounded myself with these angelic beings, the more I learned. I witnessed good and bad, but it was the GREATNESS that I honestly saw in all of them. Now greatness has revealed itself in me.

I am saying "GOOD-bye" to 2009, but refuse to make any resolutions like others. Why take NEW thoughts into an OLD body with the same behavior? I believe that if a person is serious about change -- the change starts months prior to the end of the year. Will a day make a difference? No.

Although I shamefully made resolutions last year -- Lol -- I was able to accomplish 3 out of the 5 goals set for 2009. Obtaining my high school diploma after dropping out of school years ago was a major accomplishment for me this year.  Now I will be attending school to pursue my passion in photography and anticipate what ever blessings God set on my path. No resolutions... just time, patience, perseverance, and FAITH.

For 2010 -- GOD IS IN CHARGE of my life and saying good-bye to 2009... Never felt so GOOD!

HAPPY NEW YEAR... see you in the FUTURE! God bless us all.

((( hugs ))))

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